Servicing for Fauquier, Culpeper & Stafford Counties

Understanding Sulfur in Drinking Water: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Understanding Sulfur in Drinking Water: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

WHAT IS THAT ROTTEN EGG SMELLUnderstanding Sulfur in Drinking Water: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

WHAT IS THAT ROTTEN EGG SMELLUnderstanding Sulfur in Drinking Water: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Sulfur in drinking water can be present in two primary forms: hydrogen sulfide and sulfate-reducing bacteria. Each has distinct sources, characteristics, and effects on water quality and health. This article explores these forms of sulfur, their impact on household water systems, and the treatment options available to mitigate their presence.

Hydrogen Sulfide: The “Rotten Egg” Odor

Hydrogen sulfide gas naturally occurs in groundwater and is often a byproduct of decaying organic matter in environments like wetlands, marshes, and river beds. This gas can also be present in wells drilled in shale, sandstone, near coal or peat deposits, or oil fields. Characterized by a distinctive “rotten egg” smell, hydrogen sulfide not only affects the taste and smell of water but also poses several challenges:

  • Corrosion: Hydrogen sulfide is corrosive to metals, including iron, steel, copper, and brass, potentially damaging pipes and fixtures.
  • Staining: It can cause yellow or black stains on kitchen and bathroom fixtures.
  • Impact on Beverages and Food: The quality of coffee, tea, and cooked foods can deteriorate, affecting taste and appearance.
  • Damage to Water Softeners: High concentrations can foul the resin bed of ion exchange water softeners, rendering them ineffective.

Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria and Sulfates

Sulfates combine sulfur and oxygen, part of naturally occurring minerals in some soils and rocks. Over time, these minerals can dissolve and release sulfates into groundwater. Sulfur odor in water typically arises when sulfur-reducing bacteria consume small amounts of these sulfates:

  • Taste and Health Effects: Sulfates can give water a bitter taste and act as a laxative, potentially leading to dehydration if consumed in large amounts.

Testing and Treating Sulfur in Water

The presence of sulfur must be determined on-site since hydrogen sulfide is a gas that can dissipate if the water is transferred. Here are a few critical considerations for testing and treating sulfur in drinking water:

  • On-Site Testing: Immediate testing for hydrogen sulfide is crucial to determine its concentration and plan appropriate treatment.
  • Source Determination: It’s essential to check if the sulfur smell is present in hot and cold water. If it’s only in the hot water, the issue may be with the water heater rather than the well itself.

Advanced Treatment Options for Sulfur in Drinking Water

When dealing with the unpleasant “rotten egg” smell caused by sulfur in drinking water, homeowners have traditionally turned to chemical feed systems involving chlorine. This method consists of oxidizing hydrogen sulfide gas with chlorine, transforming it into a solid form that can then be removed via carbon filtration. While practical, especially in cases of high sulfur concentration or when additional water contaminants require chemical treatment, this approach is not the only option available.


Chlorine Oxidation Systems

Chlorine remains the preferred method for treating severe sulfur odors and complex water quality issues. In this system, chlorine is added to the water through a chemical feeder, which oxidizes the hydrogen sulfide, converting it into tiny particles of sulfur that are insoluble in water. These particles are subsequently captured in a filter, typically activated carbon, which helps remove any residual chlorine taste and odor, ensuring the water is clean and palatable.

Aeration Units: A Chemical-Free Alternative

A chemical-free option may be preferable for households experiencing mild to moderate levels of sulfur. Aeration units offer an effective and environmentally friendly alternative. The principle behind aeration is straightforward: air is introduced into the water, promoting hydrogen sulfide oxidation.

The typical setup for a basic aeration unit includes a mineral tank equipped with a specialized valve at the top. This valve is designed with an air check mechanism that draws air into the tank. Inside, the tank is filled with a layer of carbon. As water enters the tank, it passes through an air bubble at the top, where the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide occurs. The sulfur, now in solid form, continues through the water column to the carbon layer, where it is effectively filtered out.

More advanced aeration systems with air pumps may be required for larger homes or more severe sulfur issues. These systems enhance the oxidation process, ensuring that even higher levels of hydrogen sulfide are effectively neutralized before the water reaches household taps.

Evaluating Your Needs

Choosing the proper treatment method depends on several factors, including the concentration of sulfur in your water, other contaminants, and household water usage. For many, the aeration unit provides a sufficient, eco-friendly solution for moderate sulfur levels. However, in cases where sulfur content is high or accompanied by other complex water quality challenges, a chlorine feed system might still be the best approach.

Regardless of the method chosen, it’s essential to regularly maintain and monitor your water treatment system to ensure it continues to operate effectively and provide safe, clean water to your home.


The presence of sulfur in drinking water, whether as hydrogen sulfide or sulfate-reducing bacteria, can significantly affect water quality, appliance longevity, and health. Homeowners experiencing issues with sulfur in their water should conduct immediate testing and consider appropriate treatment solutions to ensure their water supply is safe and pleasant to use. Understanding the sources and impacts of sulfur will aid in choosing the proper treatment method, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of home water systems.

Don’t let sulfur contamination compromise the quality of your drinking water. Take action today! Contact our water treatment expert to discuss the best solutions for your home’s needs and ensure your water is safe, clean, and pleasant. Protect your health and home by getting the right treatment system.

What causes the "rotten egg" smell in my drinking water?

The “rotten egg” smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas, which naturally occurs in groundwater due to decaying organic matter or through sulfate-reducing bacteria.

Is sulfur in drinking water harmful to health?

Sulfur itself is not harmful, but hydrogen sulfide can be corrosive to metals and may affect the taste and smell of your water. High levels of sulfates can have a laxative effect and lead to dehydration.

What are the best methods to remove sulfur from drinking water?

The two most effective methods are chlorine oxidation systems for severe cases, which chemically treat the water, and aeration units for mild to moderate levels, which provide a chemical-free treatment option.

How do I choose the right sulfur treatment system for my home?

The choice depends on the concentration of sulfur in your water, other existing water quality issues, and personal preference for chemical or chemical-free methods. Consulting with a water treatment expert can help determine the best system for your needs.

What maintenance is required for sulfur water treatment systems?

Regular maintenance includes checking and refilling chemicals for chlorine systems, cleaning filters, and ensuring air pumps in aeration systems function correctly. Regular system checks help maintain efficiency and water quality.

Water Treatment & Filtration Services for Fauquier, Culpeper & Stafford Counties